Podcasts Advertising: Top Trend You Can’t Ignore

There is something extremely comforting about listening to podcasts on the way home after a windy day of work, and that could be why there are over 90% of listeners that consume podcasts at the comfort of their home.

But What Are Podcasts?

Podcasts are a kind of audio file broadcasts that are provided to the audience to listen to or download on the go.

They are tailor-made for audiences and range from a great number of topics like astronomy to food, marketing, and even fiction horror stories. These stories or episodes have changed the way of marketing today as they create opportunities for the brand to connect to their audiences on a deeper level.

Facts About Podcasts: (According to Podcasts Insights)

1. There were 8,50,000 active podcasts that contain more than 30 million podcasts episodes.

2. 16 Million people in the US are “avid podcasts listeners”.

3. 12.8% of people have been shown to purchase a product when advertised on News or Political Podcasts.

4. 69% of people have agreed that podcast ads made them aware of new products or services

5. South Korea is the top country that listens to podcasts every month (58%).

Why Do We Need Podcasts Advertising For Marketing?

1. Podcasts contain highly engaging content.

It is changed the ways of Marketing. Podcasts have become a great tool in Content Marketing that connects both businesses and their audiences on a deeper level. You could even say that the ancient art of storytelling has transformed into Podcasts and it has become the way people connect or feels comfortable.

With the advent of the economy, smartphones, and busier lives, people have taken podcasts as a way of consuming media. Be it their transit, home, or exercising many people have switched their music playlists to their favorite podcasts.

So unlike blog posts or videos people have gravitated towards podcast listening because they can be consumed while multitasking.

2. Podcast marketing and SEO benefits go hand in hand.

Podcasting and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) work together like Peanut Butter & Jam. They are a match that is made in marketing heaven.

SEO helps your brand rank better on search engines, growing traffic organically. Since podcasts are like audio versions of engaging blogs, they work in a similar method. You can optimize all the descriptions, titles and include keywords to target your audience and prompt them to come to your website.

3. Podcast marketing creates an opportunity for content addition

Podcasts provide a pathway to discuss/repurpose previous or new content in a different format than how you initially distributed it. This will also create an opportunity to re-promote your products or brand with little to no cost. It will recall within your listeners, what you have to offer and suggest to them the services or products you can give them.

4. Podcast marketing builds audience loyalty

With targeted audiences identified comes the ability to keep them engaged for longer periods. Content that is relevant and well researched encourages your listeners to come back for more.

An active engaging host will also bring listeners back to your channel. Once this is achieved your audience will form a strong relationship with you and will likely continue to stay loyal to your brand.  As trust has been built between you and your listener, the content promoted will be perceived to be more relevant and genuine, thus more effective. Fruitfully, they could also bring on board other potential listeners building a strong online community around your show/ channel/ brand.

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